Project Development Using JAVA for Beginners – 2024


Project Development Using JAVA for Beginners - 2024

Embark on a transformative journey into the world of Java programming with our 'Project Development Using JAVA for Beginners - 2024' course. Delve into the best practices of writing high-quality Java code and master the art of crafting awesome object-oriented programs. Gain a deep understanding of advanced object-oriented programming concepts such as abstraction, inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism, empowering you to create efficient and scalable Java applications. Through hands-on exercises, you will enhance your skills in control flow and looping constructs, access modifiers for data security, working with arrays and the collections framework, applying static and final keywords, handling input and output operations, and exploring the basics of functional programming paradigm.


  • 7 Sections
  • 42 Lessons
  • 1 Quiz
  • 0m Duration
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Understanding Best Practices in Writing High-Quality Java Code
6 Lessons
  1. Importance of Code Readability and Maintainability
  2. Utilizing Proper Naming Conventions
  3. Effective Use of Comments and Documentation
  4. Applying SOLID Principles in Java Programming
  5. Implementing Design Patterns for Code Reusability
  6. Performing Code Reviews and Refactoring Techniques
Writing Awesome Object-Oriented Programs with Java
6 Lessons
  1. Creating Classes and Objects in Java
  2. Implementing Encapsulation for Data Protection
  3. Understanding and Implementing Inheritance in Java
  4. Utilizing Polymorphism for Flexibility
  5. Applying Abstraction to Hide Implementation Details
  6. Building Relationships between Objects
Learning Advanced Object-Oriented Programming Concepts
6 Lessons
  1. Exploring Abstract Classes and Methods
  2. Understanding Interfaces and Implementing Multiple Inheritance
  3. Mastering Method Overriding and Overloading
  4. Implementing Composition and Aggregation
  5. Utilizing Access Modifiers for Data Security
  6. Applying Static and Final Keywords in Java
Basics of Functional Programming with Java
6 Lessons1 Quiz
  1. Introduction to Functional Programming Paradigm
  2. Utilizing Lambda Expressions and Functional Interfaces
  3. Implementing Streams and Filters in Java
  4. Applying Map, Reduce, and Filter Operations
  5. Working with Optional and CompletableFuture
  6. Handling Exceptions in Functional Programming
  7. Basics of Functional Programming with Java Quiz
Basics of Object-Oriented Programming
6 Lessons
  1. Understanding Object-Oriented Principles
  2. Implementing Inheritance and Polymorphism
  3. Creating Abstract Classes and Constructors
  4. Working with Interfaces and Multiple Inheritance
  5. Implementing Method Overriding and Overloading
  6. Utilizing Static and Final Keywords
Acquiring Skills for Expertise in Java Programming
6 Lessons
  1. Mastering Java Syntax and Data Types
  2. Understanding Control Flow and Looping Constructs
  3. Working with Arrays and Collections Framework
  4. Handling Input and Output Operations in Java
  5. Utilizing Generics and Wildcards
  6. Applying Multithreading and Concurrency Concepts
Solving Hands-on Programming Exercises with Java
6 Lessons
  1. Implementing Basic Algorithms in Java
  2. Developing Data Structures in Java
  3. Creating GUI Applications with JavaFX
  4. Building RESTful Web Services with Java
  5. Working with Databases using JDBC
  6. Developing a Full-fledged Java Application
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